Wales Trekking & Riding Association

An established organisation dedicated to the riding industry in Wales

Become a member of the WTRA

Publicise your riding business with your own listing on this site

Becoming a Member of the Wales Trekking and Riding Association (WTRA) is straight forward. Once a Member, we offer you the chance to publicise your Riding Centre with a listing of your own within this website. Riding related business, hotels, B&Bs, self-catering accommodation can also join the WTRA as an Associate Member.

The range of activities offered by our Members is vast – traditionally the Association grew from farmers wanting to develop riding holidays in the summer period. Mid Wales was the home of pony trekking, but we have since branched out with Members offering riding lessons, riding holidays, trail rides and specialist activities such as carriage driving and even Bed and Breakfast for you and your equine friend.

Becoming a Member of the WTRA opens up a world of equestrian knowledge, camaraderie, support, and resources. Membership benefits include access to exclusive content, discounted event registrations, the opportunity to participate in our training programs, and crucially allows access to our inspection scheme.

For full details of how becoming a WTRA Member would be of benefit to your business, please click on the button below to contact us.